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Shelter Church Chattanooga

making disciples

The Nest Bird.png

Mother's Day Out

 I will trust in the cover of your wings. Psalm 61:4

A ministry of Shelter Church, The Nest is a Mother’s Day Out program designed to serve and minister to families of preschoolers on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week during the school year from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm.



Enjoying the Nature

Following the great commission

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."


Matthew 28:19-20

Service Times

Come Worship with Us!



Regular Schedule

Sunday School - Sunday at 9:30 am
Main Service - Sunday at 11:00 am

No events at the moment


Wednesday Dinner

Our monthly dinner will be at 6 pm on  the first Wednesday of each month

*Please contact us to reserve your spot to eat

 Wednesday Study Group

We will be meeting for study every Wednesday at 6pm

​Beginning in February we will be going through "Devoted to God" by Sinclair Ferguson


Senior's Lunch at 11:30 am - location TBA


*We have switched our Senior's Lunches to the 2nd Wednesday of each month

Praying Together

Shelter Church Chattanooga

making disciples

Mountain Ridge

Current Sermon Series

We are looking at "The Holy Spirit in Us" and what the Bible says the work of the Holy Spirit is in our lives and church.

Fall Leaves

Missions Update

We are gearing up for taking Teddy Bears to the children who are in the storm affected areas of East Tennessee!

You can give towards this cause in our "Give" tab at the top of our web page or by mailing us your financial donation. Just note "Teddy Bears" in the memo. 

Woman with Bible

Get to Know Us

Shelter Church

Psalm 61

As we seek to bring Glory to God in all we say and do as a Church, as families, as singles and as individuals we are built on a solid foundation of God’s inerrant and infallible word.

Foundational Pillars are unchangeable and they will always be from where the core values evolve.

Our Four Foundational Pillars of Shelter Church are:

1. The Word - John 15:7-8, Psalm 119:67, II Timothy 3:14-17, II Timothy 2:15 (II Timothy 2:2-14 follow-up)

          By abiding in the Word without compromise

          By challenging individuals to study for themselves

          By challenging individuals to one-on-one discipleship

          By challenging individuals to move into small group discipleship

2. Worship – Colossians 3:16-17, 23, 4:2 God inhabits the praises of His people

          By abiding in worship; is to be in word and deed

          By living out worship; an attitude of gratitude

          By teaching our God is worthy of our worship

3. Witness with compassion – Colossians 4:5-6

          By walking in wisdom

          By always being ready to share our testimony

By keeping our hearts softened by the teaching of the Word and an attitude of worship

4. Have a heart to tell the world – Acts 1:8, Acts 4:23-31

          God has empowered us by the Holy Spirit to tell the world about Him

          Pray for boldness

Phone on Desk

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